Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Unit 3

Aggregate(TOTAL) Demand (AD)

•Shows the amount of real GDP that the private, public and foreign sector collectively desire to purchase price level

Aggregate Demand  (2/11)

•The relationship between the price level and the level of REAL GDP is inverse 
-Three reasons AD is downward sloping

•Real Balances Effect
- When the price level is high households and businesses cannot afford to purchase as much output 
- When the price level is low households and businesses can afford to purchase more output

• Interest Rate Effect 
- A higher price level increases the interest rate which tends to discourage investment 
- A lower price level decreases the interest rate which tends to encourage investment 

•Foreign Purchase Effect
- A higher price level increases the demand for relatively cheaper imports
- A Lower price level increases il the foreign demand for relatively cheaper US exports 

•Shifts in Aggregate Demand
• There are two parts to a shift in AD
- a change in C, Ig, G, and/or Xn (expenditure approach to GDP)
- a multiplier effect that produces a greater change than the original change in the 4 components
•increases in AD= AD➡️
•decreases in AD=⬅️

•Household spending is affected by:
 - consumer wealth 
       •more wealth= more spending(AD shift➡️)
       •less wealth= less spending(AD⬅️)
-Consumer expectations 
     •positive expectations=more spending(AD➡️)
      Negative expectations=less spending(AD⬅️)
-Household indebtedness 
   •less debt=more spending(AD➡️)
   •more debt= less spending(AD⬅️) 
     •less taxes=more spending(AD➡️)
      •more Taxes=less spending⬅️

GROSS DOMESTIC Private investment 
•investment spending is sensitive to
    -the Real Interest Rate 
      •lower real interest rate= more investment 
       •higher real interest= less investment 
-Expected Returns
  •higher expected returns: more investment 
  •lower expected returns: less investment 
  • expected returns are influenced by:
       -expectations of future profitability 
       -degree of excess capacity (existing stock of capital) 

Government Spending 
 - more government spending shift right 
 -less government spending AD shift left
•net exports
   •net exports are sensitive to:
       -Exchange Rates(international value of $)
          •strong $= more imports and fewer exports= AD ⬅️
          •weak $= fewer imports and more exports= (AD➡️)
         -Relative Income
            •Strong Foreign Economies= More exports AD➡️
             •Weak foreign economies= less exports AD(⬅️)


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